Ethical Hacking in 12 Hours – Full Course – Learn to Hack!

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About Course

Alek – Creating “Academy”, “Dev”, and “Black Pearl” Capstone machines and a Discord Admin. Dewalt – The one man Army of a five star support team. Dwight – Discord Admin and awesome hacker. Grimmie – Creation of SumRecon, lover of cookies, and a Discord Admin. Joe Helle – Creating the “Blue” Capstone machine and the PNPT foothold. The OG support staff and a Discord Admin. Lian – The OG Discord Admin with French Bulldogs I’d like to steal. Rumham – Discord Admin, lover of rum and hams, and overall great guy.

What Will You Learn?

  • Alek - Creating "Academy", "Dev", and "Black Pearl" Capstone machines and a Discord Admin.
  • Dewalt - The one man Army of a five star support team.
  • Dwight - Discord Admin and awesome hacker.
  • Grimmie - Creation of SumRecon, lover of cookies, and a Discord Admin.

Course Content


  • test



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